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Hiding IP Address

How To Hide Your IP Address (Free Ways To Hide Your IP)

How To Hide Your IP Address

In this article, we will talk about how to hide your IP address.

Supreme Hackers

What is an IP address?

How do you hide your IP address?


These are the most frequently asked questions on Google that will be answered here in detail. Before that, one must know what IP basically is and how it works.

What is an IP address?

IP stands for INTERNET PROTOCOL and is a numerical label that is assigned to each device that is connected to the network. An IP address identifies a machine on a network, whether it is a computer, server, electronic device, router, phone, or another device. The IP address is essential for routing and forwarding IP packets from source to destination. Without IP addresses, the internet wouldn’t know where to send your email and other data.

Types of IP addresses?

There are two types of IP addresses: ipv4 (IP Version 4) and ipv6 (IP Version 6).
How To Hide Your IP Address 2

How does an IP address look?

IPv4 shows the IP address as a 32-bit number that is usually human-readable notation, such as, and IPv6 displays the IP address as 128-bit numbers, which are typically CIDR notations.
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Every person has a unique set of IP addresses that is visible to everyone on the internet, so it can easily track you back. Law enforcement agencies track the cybercriminals through their IP addresses as well.

How to hide your IP address?

People who prefer to have privacy online hide their IP addresses so that law enforcement agencies, advertising companies, hackers, or other such people can’t look into their stuff.

There are numerous ways to hide your IP address, some of which are free and tested and will be mentioned below.


VPN, or aΒ VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK, is software that creates a tunnel between you and your ISP. The VPN basically acts as a middleman between you and your ISP and assigns you a new IP address that is visible whenever you are using the internet.
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Using a VPN is not a difficult job. All you have to do is download a good paid VPN that has a NO LOGS policy. Download it and sign up using the required information.

Read more on: How do you become 100% anonymous with anti-detect and fraudfox in 2022?


Similar to a VPN, a proxy acts as a middleman between you and your ISP. Technically, VPN is an updated and more advanced form of a proxy. The only difference is that you have to use a proxy before every website’s URL before you use it,, while VPNs are more advanced and they just need to be connected before using the browser.
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Tor Browser,lso known as the onion rorouter,s an anonymous browser that is run by volunteers from different origins of the world. Tor is the safest browser created to date that offers extreme security and anonymity.

Each time you visit a website, the sequence of nodes changes. This makes it practically impossible to trace activity back to the original IP address.

You just have to download the TOR browser like any other browser from theinternet,t and you can use it. However, Tor is slow as compared to the other browsers because the traffic routes through differentnodes,s and it becomes very difficult to do streaming or watch videos on the TOR browser.
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If your ISP uses a dynamic IPaddress,s then this technique is more likely to work for you. All you have to do io unplug your modem and plug it agaagain.u will be assigned a new IP address;; however,, this isn’t the case with every internet serviceprovider,r but most of the service providers use dynamic IPaddresses,s which automatically update the IP if the modem is unplugged from the network.
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There are several ways to refresh your IPaddress., By doing this, you will be allocated a new IPaddresss.
If you are using Windows, you can do this by entering a few simple commands into your Windows Command PromptΒ orΒ Mac Terminal.

  • Search for theΒ Command PromptΒ and right-click it toΒ Run as administrator
  • EnterΒ ipconfig /release
  • EnterΒ ipconfig /renew

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If you are using Mac, You can do this through the Mac Terminal by the following steps:

  • Click theΒ AppleΒ menu and openΒ System Preferences
  • SelectΒ Network
  • Highlight the network that you’re connected to in the left pane
  • ClickΒ Advanced…
  • Select theΒ TCP/IPΒ tab
  • ClickΒ Renew DHCP Lease

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Your Mac will now have a different private IP address.


ll the tips and tricks discussed above, You cayouurely hide your online activities from yoISP,ISPbut you yout can never hide your address Address from your ISP.

Your ISP provides you with internet service, and it is liked through your IP. Without the ISP getting linked to your IP,youu can never connect to the difference. VPNs create the tunnels,,, and your ISP can see you getting into the tunnel.

The only difference the VPNs createis thats they encrypt the data that goes from the tunnel. For examyour Your ISP can see that you are visiting a website, but they can’t see what activities you are doing on that website.

Though the fact fact fact Β you are usiVPN,,a VPN then your ISP won’t be able to see youactivities,es but the VPN service provider can still see. So it’s your choice to trust that who you trust more. If you go for a VPN, make sure you use a trusted VPN that has a NO LOG POLICY.

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