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Home Bank Drops Guide To Create Your Own Bank Drops
Bank Drops

Guide To Create Your Own Bank Drops

Guide To Create Your Own Bank Drops

How are you doing, guys? In today’s guide to creating your own bank drops, we are excited to teach you how to build, maintain, and utilise a strong bank drop.

Supreme Hackers

We can’t lie; when we first started creating bank drops (about a decade ago), we thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world.

We did not have the organisational skills (a decade ago), and a lot of times we’d be using bad SOCKS5 that would fail us and drop connection in the middle of the bank drop opening process.

What a terrible time! As we practiced and got more and more organised, we developed a process and learnt many things that make this process go as smoothly as a baby’s ass.

Get yourself a coffee or tea (those who are in the UK) or a drink, as this is going to be a massive read. It takes us 3 days to produce this masterpiece of an article, and by the end of this guide, you’ll be a true Bunk Drop hero, but remember we are professionals and we have been in the game for over a decade. Yes, we started our fraud journey well before the existence of Silk Road.
However, there are always going to be smart people who do not want to go through all the hassle of opening a bank drop, etc., and they just prefer to buy it and plug it in to their existing scheme to make money. If you are one of those people, feel free to buy the ready-made bank drop that we offer in our shop, then change your address and order your debit card onto your mail drop address.

Opening A Bank Drop

Any successful fraud operation usually revolves around bank drops, so it’s critical to have a bank drop that will continue throughout your fraud scheme in order to maximise your profits. In this section of your bank drop training, we will go over the various factors that are involved in opening a bank drop.

After completing this tutorial on making your own bank drop, you will be able to create one that, with proper care, will remain open for a long time and be accessible whenever you need it.

How To Start?

We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

Step 1:

Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organised and easily accessible.

We cannot emphasise this enough; do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready.

So open up your “fullz” text document, background check, credit reports, and “account info” sheet.

Before beginning the process, you should always read through all of the information about your fullz so that you are familiar with it as though you were the person to whom it belongs.
We strongly advise you to obtain your fullz information from our shop if you do not currently have a high-quality fullz.
Examine the credit report carefully. Guess what happens if you notice that they already have a Bank of America account?Opening a bank drop with them won’t be very successful, will it? Absolutely not!

The same is true for Suntrust, Capital One, Citi, and so forth.

Therefore, before choosing which bank to open an account with, make sure to look into that. Suntrust, TD Bank, and Fifth Third Bank are our personal favourite bank accounts to deal with.You might ask, Why is that?

Because if you follow our instructions exactly, they are simple to open and will remain open for a long time.They immediately grant you access to their online banking, which is available around the clock.

Step 2:

Ideally, your IP address should be within 80 miles of the fullz home address, so make sure it is in the same state.

The fullz’s most recent billing address on their credit report should always be the basis for this decision.

When you open a bank account, the bank will want to see this address.You run the risk of your bank closing earlier if you don’t use this address.

Don’t worry, we’ll show you how to prevent your fullz from receiving bank mail using their actual address.

Always make sure that your needs are the basis for your decisions.Make sure your system’s time zone is accurate and reflects your own time zone when using SOCKS5. Additionally, confirm that the language is selected on your system. English-US.

For future reference, make sure to record any information regarding the SOCKS5 IP you’re using on the “account info” sheet.

Step 3:

Make sure you are prepared to use both your Google Voice number and your email address.

When opening your bank drop, you can use the Gmail address linked to your Google Voice account. If you don’t have Google Voice, you should get one. At Cashout Empire, we’ve set up thousands of Google Voice numbers, and it’s very simple—we can do it with our eyes closed at this point.

When you’re finished, log into your Gmail account and confirm that your login credentials are correct and that the Google Voice number you were provided matches the one you used to create the account.

Before opening the bank drop, you should confirm that all of this information is accurate. As we have repeatedly stated, failing to do so will result in you wasting all of your hard work up to this point, and our site will not be held accountable.

Additionally, fill out the “account info” sheet with all of your Gmail and Google Voice information.

Step 4:

You can choose which bank drop you wish to open now that you have all of your information available and ready, are logged in with clean SOCKS5, and are logged into your email and Google Voice.

The opening procedures of the three bank drops that we work with the most—Fifth Third, TD Bank, and Suntrust—will be covered in this bank drop 2025 guide.

I picked these banks because they are reliable physical banks, and we can open an account online almost instantly, 99 percent of the time.

We have a different procedure for banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, and others that need a mail drop to open; we can open them easily as well, but they need extra steps.

Since many international scammers do not have the luxury of a mail drop address because they are not in the United States, we will limit our coverage of this article to banks that most scammers can open, regardless of their location or base.

After completing the pre-opening procedures for each of these three banks, we will show you how to set up your new bank to send paperless notices and statements. This will improve your chances of keeping your accounts open for a very long time—as long as you have some functioning brain cells.


We will start off with Suntrust. We’ll be straight up honest like we always are; we personally don’t like them as much as FifthThird or TD Bank.

Reasons why we don’t like them as much are that they are not as forgiving as the other banks; if you screw up, like “logging in using a bad IP, for example,” or, let’s say, doing something that is a bit more risky, such as “acting like a novice fraudster,” they will place your account on hold and request further explanation or documentation, which can be a massive hassle; in extreme cases, they may shut your account down all together.

If you are careful with these accounts and follow our guidance, they should stay open for a long time, though. Shall we get started?

  • Go to Suntrust.com
  • Click Get Started. Scroll down a bit on the page that opens and click Open.
  • Now under Essential Checking.
  • Now you will be here. Just click OK or whatever.
  • Here you can choose whether or not you want to add a savings account. So basically, you can open two bank drops at once. They will both require an initial deposit of AT LEAST $25, although we suggest you go with $50. (We will cover initial deposits later.).
  • Here you will begin filling out the information about your fullz. DO NOT copy and paste this shit. Try to do it in a reasonable amount of time as well. This is why we say you must have all of your data accessible before you start this process. You CAN use the Google Voice number when opening ALL the drops we are teaching you about.
  • Now look over all the information you’ve added and verify it is correct.
  • Now you will be asked verification questions. Be prepared by having your credit report PDF open. There will be 3, sometimes 4 questions about your fullz. You should be prepared for anything they throw at you. The question you see in this screenshot can be found on your credit report. Sometimes other questions can be about previous addresses, average age range head of household, professional background, family members locations, etc. You should have all the information you need at your disposal! Try and complete these questions quickly.
  • Once you pass the verification, you will asked if you want a debit… say no.
  • Enrol in online/mobile banking? Yes! And continue. It is all pretty easy after the verification.
  • Create your desired user ID and password. Note this stuff on your “account info” sheet.
  • Read and accept the terms and conditions.
  • Sometimes this screen pops up, and other times it doesn’t. Just fill it out as best you can based off your full credit report. Choose NO for wealth originating outside the USA.
  • Most fullz have had a relationship with other financial institutions in the past 2 years, so use the credit report to determine this.
  • Now on this page, choose more options. Unless you have a prepaid debit card like one vanilla visa that you have at least $50 on to make the first deposit with.
  • Here it will show you offline funding options. It will basically just tell you to write a check and send it in. We’ve always used this option and never sent a check, obviously. We always use PayPal or Venmo for the initial deposit. Works for us.
  • And look at that! Congratulations, bank account opened. Take note of the routing number and the account number on your “account info” sheet. Very important details to keep track of! Scroll down a bit on this page and you will see a part saying log in to your online banking! Let’s do it!
  • And ok, here is the online banking interface. Explore it, do whatever you gotta do, then click My Settings in the top right.
  • Here is the my setting pop out. Click Address, Email, and Phone option.
  • Here we will change the mailing address on file in order to avoid having Suntrust send documentation to your full real home address (which is no good). So click edit on the mailing address option.
  • Now here is our trick with Suntrust. Uncheck the box stating that mailing address and street are the same. Do a quick Google search for your nearest post office and note the city and zip code. Input that data and make up a PO Box number and place it in the first like on the address box and save.
  • Lastly, you will need to go back to My Setting Pop-out. And click on the Tax Forms option. Click on Tax Form Delivery and change Receive Tax Forms Online Only? From No to YES! Now your account is completely paperless.

So there you have it!

You have now successfully opened a Suntrust Checking (and Savings) account.

TD Bank

How to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop.
Ok, now TD Bank is pretty much our favourite bank drop to work with because they are strong and can take a beating!

Our customers tell us how they abuse TD Bank drops with dirty funds from multiple payment processors and had chargebacks hit debiting the account, and they were still alive a month or so later sitting there with a negative balance.

While most drops would get limited at that point, but not TDs though. So let’s get you started on opening your own TD bank drop.

Before we start, let us tell you that TD Banks can only be opened with fullz from certain specific states.

Here are those states:

  • CT,
  • DC,
  • DE,
  • FL,
  • MA,
  • MD,
  • ME,
  • NC,
  • NH,
  • NJ,
  • NY,
  • PA,
  • RI,
  • SC,
  • VA,
  • VT

So make sure if you are going to be opening a TD bank drop you buy your fullz from us for the states above. So let’s get started.

  • Go to TDBank.com, hover the mouse over “Banking,” and click the checking option on the drop-down menu.
  • Here are the checking accounts you can choose from. Simple is fine, but we usually pick Convenience because they have PopMoney enabled. If you agree with them, you can use PopMoney to send money around to other drops, but they are kind of gay, to be honest. We really use PopMoney.
  • This screen will come up; click US!
  • Now you can begin filling out the application.
  • And more stuff to fill out.
  • Here you fill out SSN, DOB, and Driver License Number. Be very careful when entering this information and make sure you input correctly.
  • Here you should answer this according to your full-time occupation you see on their credit report. If you like,, you can choose “investments” on source of income too.
  • Now here you can see some examples of verification questions they might ask you. TD asks some tough questions, but if you’ve done your homework as we explained in the sourcing fullz section, you will most likely do fine! However, we noticed one very interesting thing in which we’ve failed a verification a number of times, but because we knew we had not messed it up, we restarted the application, passed it, and opened the account without issues. Yes, we swear it happened a number of times, but because we knew we had not messed it up, we restarted the application, passed it, and opened the account without issues. Yes, we swear it happened on a number of occasions, which is why it’s vital that you have done your due diligence on your FULLZ, that you are sure about it, and have all the info at hand. Always buy your quality food from us at CardingPlugs, and you will be glad that you did just that.
  • So you’ve passed the verification, and now you can choose if you want a debit card. We are in Utah, which is in the US, so we can get the debit if we want, but we don’t do that because we sell our bank drops on CardingPlugs, where customers can change their mail drop address and then order the debit card to their drop. If you are not in the US, you must need a type of mail forwarding service to ship you the debit card, but it may be a problem as the first transaction withdrawal from a foreign country looks outright stupid and suspicious, but you can surely do online transactions where you will use the account as an intermediary to exit funds into your own account. Again, that’s some pros stuff we are talking about. If you are a novice/amateur in fraud, you probably don’t know about it yet.
  • Here we normally select Medium under both the expected deposits and withdrawal sections. Primary reason we pick household payments. Sometimes we’ll put a bill. Just switch it up a bit though to avoid “fingerprinting.” Just click NO/YES under the section talking about whether you will use the account for international wire transfers, depending on whether you will or won’t.
  • Here, just gloss over the Electronic Record Disclosure and check the verification box.
  • Here they ask you about making your first deposit. If you have a prepaid vanilla Visa, as I’ve suggested in the Suntrust opening, you can use that here as well. Remember, you need $50 bucks! If not, just click that you will fund the account at a TD bank within 45 days. We usually say later and then sell the account to our customers, who can do that as per their fraud scheme, which involved $10K, but if you are not in the US and don’t make deposits at the bank branch, then you can do so with PayPal and Venmo; they will work fine for you.
  • Now just choose your username and temporary password for online banking.
  • And Congratulations! You have now opened your new TD Checking account.
  • Ok, now scroll down a bit and you will see the option to log in to your online banking.
  • After you’ve logged in, you will now need to verify you’ve read the Online Banking Agreement. Check the box and click Next.
  • Now you will need to create a new password according to TD’s password specifications.
  • Here you will need to set up your security questions. Just scroll down a bit, and you will see where you can fill out 3 different questions. Be sure to note these questions and answers! They will ask you for the answers from time to time, and the answers are case-sensitive! Once you’ve finished, click SUBMIT.
  • And there you go! You’re now in your new account!
  • Scroll down a little bit and you’ll see the link to “Sign up for Online Statements.” Click that!
  • Now enter Nickname (it doesn’t matter; it can be a fuckboy if you want, but be professional and don’t do that). Enter the email attached to your account.
  • Click both of the blue links; they will create pop-ups, which you can close out of. Now you can check the two boxes signifying that you have read and acknowledged the agreements/requirements of online statements.
  • Then click the orange box!
  • And now you will see that you have successfully activated Online Statements. However, you are NOT done yet. Click the green Notices tab!
  • Now that you have clicked the Notices tab, you will see the orange box that says “Turn off paper, etc.” Click it!
  • Now that you have clicked it, you will see this page. Just check the box outlined in yellow and click Save Changes!
  • This will make sure all the notices are sent online. Effectively making your account entirely paperless.
  • Here you can see all the different notices that will now be online delivery only!
  • Now go back to your Accounts homepage and let’s find your routing number.
  • The routing number is different based on which state your fullz is from.
  • On the left side menu, you will see a blue link that says “ABA Routing Number.” Clic that, and you will get a pop-up with all the routing numbers. As you will see below.

And that is it! You now have a TD Checking account that is completely paperless. These accounts are strong and hands down our favourite drop to work with!

Let’s move on to the 3rd and final bank, the Fifth Third bank drop.

Fifth Third

In today’s guide to create your own bank drops we excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop.
Alright, so FifthThird is another good bank drop that we like to use a lot because our customers love it.

However, they are a bit tricky sometimes because sometimes when our customers go to log in by entering their details, they will say sorry, please contact your branch. It’s almost always because customers are using bad socks. We just cannot stress enough the importance of using the right clean socks.

So just be aware even after opening your bank drop, you should ALWAYS use

This is seriously one of the easiest bank drops to open because 99.9% of the time they DO NOT ask you verification questions. This does not mean don’t come prepared, though! Let’s begin.

  • Go to https://www.53.com and hover your mouse over the banking tab. Click Checking Accounts.
  • It’ll take you to this page; just scroll down and you will see all the checking account options. I normally go for the Essential Checking account.
  • Now here is the damn area where you will find out if your full ZIP code is going to fly or not. Fill it all out and click Next. If you have a One Vanilla Visa available, you can do the first deposit; if not, Venmo is straight because 5/3 will give you 30 days to make the deposit.
  • So your fullz passed the test! You can now apply for one of these accounts. Fill out all the information and keep clicking Continue, and eventually you will get to this page here.
  • When you hit the section that asks for Mother’s Maiden Name, we’ve found this doesn’t have to be accurate at all! Just put in some last name that you see on the fullz background check and be sure to make a note of it on your fullz txt document.
  • So you clicked Continue and congratulations; you’re almost there! Let’s continue again. This shit is retarded how easy it is.
  • Check the agreements and continue on!
  • Here, check NO/YES on these options, depending if you are in the US or not, and have access to mail drop-forwarding services in case you are not in the US. As we said above, we don’t order the debit card solely because our customers who buy the bank drops from us change their address before ordering the debit cards to their mail drops.
  • And there you have it! The account is created! Take note of your account and routing numbers on your “account info” sheet.
  • Here, just check off;; you are going to deposit a check using the mobile app. Unless you have one of those prepaid debits to use with $50 on it.
  • It appears we’ve missed the screenshot to create the online banking username and password, but we are confident that you are going to be able to figure that out at this point because at this point it is just the same but different drop.
  • Let’s continue on to online banking and get this account on paperless statements and notices.
  • Sign in using your username and password.
  • Accept the Digital Services Agreement.
  • Enter the email you want associated with your online banking.
  • And click OK.
  • Now you reach your banking summary page. In the upper right, click the Service Centre tab.
  • On this page, click the link to set delivery preferences, as seen below.
  • Now check the Paperless radio button next to tax document delivery preferences and also check the box that states View all documents online.
  • It will then have a dropdown showing all the options to turn on to paperless. Click continue.
  • Now it will ask you to agree to the terms and conditions. Check the box and click Save.
  • And there you have it. Preferences saved, and your account is now Paperless.

This concludes the bank drop opening portion of training! We hope you have learnt a lot here and are fully ready to open the bank drops.

You see how simple it is?

You can do this all day and make $$$ selling them our shop as well as other places, etc.

Now we will go into initial deposits and bank drop ageing/maintenance.

We will include PayPal and Venmo creation here (as we are cashless and do not need to deposit money into the account as our customers can do that with their schemes), but you may need to do that if you are creating a bank drop for your own use, and especially those who are not in the US can use PayPal and Venmo, so let us show you how!

Initial Deposit

Ok, so now you have opened a checking account. If you didn’t have a prepaid card to make the deposit with or another bank drop with funds available to transfer the money from, you need to come up with another way to get some clean money sitting in that account.

This is something that you absolutely need to do; it’s stupid to not do it. So here are two options for you!


Venmo accounts are easy to create as long as you know what to do and have quality information to use, which is why we always suggest you use quality information you get from Shop.

So let’s create one real quick, then we’ll talk about how to get some money into the account and how to transfer it into the bank drop.

  • Go to Facebook and create an account with your full name. Once you made the account, go to the profile and, at a minimum, set a profile picture and a cover photo.
  • If you plan to use the Venmo quite a bit, we suggest trying to fill out a little more info and even adding some random people as friends. Yes, people will accept random friends!
  • Now go to Venmo.com and choose the option to sign up with Facebook.
  • It’ll have you click some acceptance shit, and then it will have you enter your email and phone (Google Voice works), then click next.
  • Now you will get a code on your Google Voice, so have that open and ready.
  • Now you can see your main profile here on Venmo. Click on the getting started check list to add your bank drop.
  • Now that you are here, you can see where you can attach your bank drop, or if you sourced yourself a CC, you can verify with the CC as well.
  • It only makes the Venmo stronger and more legit, so if you have that info, definitely hook it up, but if you only plan to use it for the initial deposit and be done with it, you don’t really need to even worry about attaching a CC.
  • Search for the bank you want to attach.
  • Pretty simple stuff here, but we’re going to screenshot it all for you because we want you to see what’s up. So just add your routing and account numbers here.
  • Now you have the option to verify with your online banking credentials. Give it a shot.
  • Sometimes it will still ask you to verify with microdeposits anyway, which takes about 1 business day to show up in your drop.
  • And now you can see we got hit with the microtransfers here.
  • Just click issue if you get this and watch your drop and come back to verify once you’ve gotten them.
  • Do not send any money to YOUR VENMO UNTIL YOU VERIFY THIS!!!
  • So let’s say that you have had your bank account verified automatically or that you have gotten your microdeposits and verified them with Venmo.
  • Now you will need to go back to the main page of your Venmo account and click the Setting button next to your full name. On this page, you can scroll down a bit and see your Venmo username; it will be @yourfullzname, and there is also a link that Venmo will give you.
  • Take note of these on your account information sheet.
  • Once you have this information, go to LocalBitcoins.com and load up some BTC.
  • Search for a Quick Sell using Venmo as the payment method for this transaction.
  • Find someone to buy your BTC using Venmo and initiate a trade with them.
  • Complete the trade, and now you will have some clean funds sitting in your Venmo account! I recommend letting them sit there for about 24 hours before cashing out into your bank drop. Just be patient when doing this stuff.
  • Here you see I have clean funds in the Venmo account, and we have the option to cash out to our bank.
  • Just click the button to initiate the transaction, and there you have it! Normally it will take about 1 to 2 days before the funds are available in your drop.
  • Don’t be cheap, and try to deposit $5 in to your drop at a minimum of $25-$50.

Now let’s talk about setting up your PayPal.


You can make a business PayPal to go with for just about every bank drop you will make, unless for some reason you’ll decide that you will not be needing it.

You never know when a PayPal will come in handy, though. We really do recommend having at least a few clean PayPal accounts on standby.

You can buy all kinds of PayPal accounts, like your BEEN VERIFIED account, Google Voice accounts, and all kinds of other stuff on our Shop, etc. Plus, as they age, you can use them to withdraw funds from your bank drop and cash out PayPal with services like WeSellCrypto.com; more on that later.

For now, let’s talk about opening a PayPal business account the proper way to ensure you won’t get limited or 21-day holds when you are trying to make the initial deposit in a timely manner.

  • So first off, let’s go to Paypal.com and click on Sign Up. Select the business account. Easy right?
  • Choose the Standard option.
  • Email can be a Gmail account. Just don’t use Yandex, protonmail, or some crap like that. It’s a little too “dodgy.”.
  • Now here you can just sign up with the full home address and make up a random business name for your account.
  • On this one we put LaBrit’s Bakery. Just pick something and note it on your account info sheet.
  • If you have fullz from us, now is the time to use the registered agent information (legitimate business name and address). Doing this really takes your business account to the next level.
  • Now if you are just making this stuff up, choose Individual/Sole Proprietorship and pick the details according to your made-up business.
  • Don’t worry about it if you don’t have a website, it’s really not a big deal.
  • If you are using legit fullz from our Shop, you will need to choose your business type according to what you have sourced (LLC, Corporation, etc)
  • Do a Google search for the business you’ve done and see if you can find their website; if you find one, then put it there in the website box. Like we said before, this stuff will make your business PayPal golden!
  • Pretty straight-forward entry here. We’re just going to warn you, though. If the fullz already has a PayPal account registered with their SSN. You’re going to get stopped in your tracks right here, which is really annoying, but hey, that’s fraud; get used to it!
  • Now you will be able to begin setting things up on your business account.
  • Here, choose that you will get paid using online invoicing.
  • Here are some steps you need to complete to set up your account. Go to your email address and confirm your email first.
  • Next, you can link your bank account, which we will walk you through, and we’ll also show you the “make your business name clear” portion.
  • This stuff is pretty easy, but we are just walking through this with you as your mentor.
  • If you want to get a PayPal business debit shipped, you will need to sign up using your mail drop address.
  • Ok, so adding your bank drop. Click which one you are working with. You see the three I taught you are right here.
  • Enter your online user credentials to attempt an instant link.
  • PayPal is running its process.
  • Sometimes this will happen with fresh accounts. So just enter your routing and account number and press continue.
  • Now you can try again to confirm instantly, but it’s probably not going to work again if it didn’t work the first time.
  • So just choose the option to confirm in 2 to 3 days with the microdeposits.
  • PayPal is telling you how to confirm once you see the microdeposits.
  • And here is where you will come to confirm your microdeposits once you see them in your drop.
  • Ok, now here is the screen where you confirm your business name; just make it say whatever your business is here. Nothing too special is required here.
  • Ok, now on your main PayPal summary page you will see this drop-down option.
  • Click and go to Profile and Settings. We have some tasks to complete here so that our account can receive funds without limitations or holds.
  • Ok, so here we will need to make some adjustments on each of the spots that are circled in red.
  • So go update your account with your full SSN, and then we will go fill out our security questions.
  • Complete these fields and mark the info on your account info sheet in case you need it later. You NEVER know!
  • Now click on My Money, and you will see this page. Notice this is where you can come to confirm your bank drop once you get the deposits. For now, let’s add a card number to further verify the account.
  • If you don’t have CC fullz, no problem; you have three options here: 1: You can go to OPENVCC.COM and buy a PayPal VCC or
  • 2: You can go to cryptopay.me, sign up for an account, load up a couple dollars worth of BTC, and get a VCC there. On cryptopay.me, they won’t allow you to make an account based in the US, so you can always just pick Bahamas, as it won’t effect your ability to add the card to PayPal.
  • 3: You can go to cash.me (SquareCash), sign up for an account, and enable your VCC without paying anything at all.
  • So click add card, and well, just add the card.
  • Now the last thing we need to fix before going any further is clicking My Settings.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of your page and look for the time zone. Make sure you set it to your full-time zone.
  • Now we are ready to get some funds into your account. The best thing to do here is find someone who will allow you to send them an invoice and then pay it; PayPal loves this.
  • Once you get a gang of PayPal accounts under your control, you can easily do this on all your new accounts.
  • You can find a BTC buyer on LocalBitcoins who will allow you to send them an invoice. If you can’t get them to pay an invoice or buy a PayPal transfer from our shop, we will always send you money as goods and services. Try not to do Friends and Family with business accounts.
  • And here is the page where you will create your invoices. Just go ahead and fill in all the information like you would if you were the actual owner of the made-up business.
  • We recommend you keep your first invoice around $50 or so. Once you have it all filled out, send it to the appropriate email and wait for them to pay it. Pretty basic stuff!
  • Once you have been paid and gotten some clean funds into your PayPal account, wait about 24 to 48 hours before you try and transfer the money to your bank account. It’s very simple and similar to the Venmo process. So just go to your PayPal Summary page; underneath the available balance, click Transfer Money.
  • Fill out the required information, click continue, and you will be on your way!
  • Usually this will take about 2 to 3 days before it clears into your bank account.

Now you have a fully capable US business PayPal and have made your initial deposit using PayPal.

Before we end this section, we want to hit on a few things about personal PayPal accounts and PayPal Credit accounts.

Like we’ve said, you normally will open PayPal business accounts if you don’t have CC fullz because they tend to be an overall stronger account.

However, if you do have CC fullz that you bought from us, you will make a personal account FIRST.

You will do this because when you are opening the personal account, you can try and add the full CC to the PayPal account. If it links, that means the card has not been used on PayPal before, and you now have a good opportunity to apply for a PayPal Credit account.

We are not going to screenshot this, but we are going to give you some tips on opening PayPal Credit accounts before closing out this section.

You can either try and cash these out yourself or sell them on our site for 10% of the credit line. If you are going to sell them on CardingPlugs, then you must age them for at least a month before trying to sell them to us.

  • Register a new personal PayPal account.
  • List the address exactly as you see it on the credit report you pulled.
  • Put phone as mobile and link the Google Voice
  • Add the credit card; make sure you select credit and not debit.
  • If the billing address on CC is different than the credit report, still try the address on the credit report. If it doesn’t work, just try again with the original address. If the card doesn’t link, then yeah, PayPal credit is not happening.
  • When the card gets attached, you’ll see an option to apply for PayPal Credit. SKIP IT this time; we’ll get to it later on.
  • Now go verify your email address and link/confirm the mobile Google Voice number.
  • Now go into your settings and make sure you adjust the time zone and set up your security questions.
  • Link your bank drop that you’ve created for this file.
  • Once the bank drop is officially linked AND confirmed, go and add the SSN of your fullz.
  • Log out of the account and wait a minimum of 48 hours before doing anything else on the account. This gives your PayPal a bit of a cool-off period to process the new data, etc.
  • So it’s been 48 hours, and you are ready to try and get some PayPal credit.
    Log in to your account and on the summary page you should see a spot that says “More time to pay.” Go through the process and verify the address matches the credit report EXACTLY! Be sure you input the correct DOB and SSN as well.
  • When it brings you to the terms and conditions of the PayPal credit page, SLOWLY scroll down like you’re actually reading it. You should try to spend about 5 minutes on this page before agreeing to the terms and proceeding.
  • At this point, you will find out if you have been approved or not. Expect about 60–70% of your accounts to get approved when trying this out. If you have not been approved, the account is still good; just upgrade it to a business account!
  • If you have been approved, add some clean funds to the account now and wait AT LEAST 72 hours before even attempting to spend any of the credit money. Even waiting that long, you will probably get issues paying with the credit line.
    Last notes on PayPal Credit…

    • First, you REALLY NEED to be using a clean SOCKS5 residential IP address when applying for and maintaining one of these accounts.
    • Second: You may have a bit of a tough time trying to cash out PayPal Credit accounts so you can always just sell them to us when you could for 10% of the credit line.
  • Lastly, sometimes the credit line can just disappear and never come back… so expect that too!

Aging And Maintenance

Now that we’ve gotten you up to speed on how to complete an initial deposit and open up solid Venmo and PayPal business accounts, we need to talk about general bank drop ageing and maintenance.

This is quite simple and not rocket science by any means.

We are just going to drop a few bullet points for you to keep in mind when working with your bank accounts (some rules here apply for other accounts too, i.e. Stripe, Venmo, PayPal, etc)

  • Do not log into the accounts over and over all day every day. This is not normal behavior. A large key to success with fraud is mimicking normal behaviour, so try and keep it that way.
  • Do not log into the accounts in the middle of the night US time. We don’t care how badly you need to check the accounts; just don’t do it. Work with usual US waking times (7AM to 10:30PM at latest)
  • If you have your Venmo or PayPal attached to the bank, keep sending those accounts some clean funds and keep withdrawing the money into the bank drop. This age both your PayPal or Venmo and Bank Drop with more and more clean transactions taking place.
  • Find a way to spend a little money out of the bank drop as well. Go buy a cheap domain from Godaddy Auctions using your checking account routing and account number OR go to Flippa and try to buy something cheap using Flippa Escrow OR any other site you can use your bank account to pay with. This IN/OUT action helps tremendously in ageing your new bank drop.
  • Ideally, you should age a bank drop at least 2 weeks before starting to use it for Stripe or other payment processors. Imagine how the bank fraud systems would see a fresh bank account immediately receiving large sums of money from Stripe. That is a huge red flag and will get your drop cut off in no time.
  • Just be patient, age it with IN/OUT activity, and after a couple weeks start to get that Stripe money or whatever you decide to do.


If you are wanting to work with PayPal transfers, you should make progressive transactions on your PayPal account over a period of two weeks while withdrawing funds into your bank account.

Do this while working up to the amount you want to receive in dirty funds, and then you can hire our team or whoever to send you the dirty funds to your PayPal account.

Withdraw that money to your bank drop, and PayPal can’t get it back.

They will not be able to chargeback your bank account, and this will help tremendously in ageing your bank account and make you lots of dough too.

Ok, this concludes our bank drop portion of training. We hope that you have learnt a lot of knowledge here.

We have tried our best to be as descriptive and detailed as possible.

At CardingPlugs, we really want you guys to succeed and make a killing in your fraud efforts so that we can sell you the tools that you require. its a win-win situation for everyone!

Did you like this complete guide to creating your own bank drops? If so, you can always write to us to tell us about your views & reviews, and of course you can request more articles on a specific subject.

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